Wednesday, 26 October 2011

... from Sirte, with love.

Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi 

I did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people's committees ran our country. But that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10 room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied, as selfish as they were they wanted more. They told Americans and other visitors, that they needed "democracy" and "freedom" never realizing it was a cut throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest, but they were enchanted with those words, never realizing that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup.

 No, no matter what I did, it was never enough for some, but for others, they knew I was the son of Gamal Abdel Nasser, the only true Arab and Muslim leader we've had since Salah-al-Deen, when he claimed the Suez Canal for his people, as I claimed Libya, for my people, it was his footsteps I tried to follow, to keep my people free from colonial domination - from thieves who would steal from us.

Now, I am under attack by the biggest force in military history, my little African son, Obama wants to kill me, to take away the freedom of our country, to take away our free housing, our free medicine, our free education, our free food, and replace it with American style thievery, called "capitalism," but all of us in the Third World know what that means, it means corporations run the countries, run the world, and the people suffer. So, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following His path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

I do not wish to die, but if it comes to that, to save this land, my people, all the thousands who are all my children, then so be it.

Let this testament be my voice to the world, that I stood up to crusader attacks of NATO, stood up to cruelty, stood up to betrayal, stood up to the West and its colonialist ambitions, and that I stood with my African brothers, my true Arab and Muslim brothers, as a beacon of light. When others were building castles, I lived in a modest house, and in a tent. I never forgot my youth in Sirte, I did not spend our national treasury foolishly, and like Salah-al-Deen, our great Muslim leader, who rescued Jerusalem for Islam, I took little for myself...

In the West, some have called me "mad", "crazy", but they know the truth yet continue to lie, they know that our land is independent and free, not in the colonial grip, that my vision, my path, is, and has been clear and for my people and that I will fight to my last breath to keep us free, may Allah almighty help us to remain faithful and free. 

Monday, 24 October 2011

Muammar Gaddafi: Anti-Imperialist, Philosopher, Revolutionary and Freedom Fighter.

"This is my will. I, Muammar bin Mohammad bin Abdussalam bi Humayd bin Abu Manyar bin Humayd bin Nayil al Fuhsi Gaddafi, do swear that there is no other God but Allah and that Mohammad is God's Prophet, peace be upon him. I pledge that I will die as Muslim.

Should I be killed, I would like to be buried, according to Muslim rituals, in the clothes I was wearing at the time of my death and my body unwashed, in the cemetery of Sirte, next to my family and relatives.

I would like that my family, especially women and children, be treated well after my death. The Libyan people should protect its identity, achievements, history and the honorable image of its ancestors and heroes. The Libyan people should not relinquish the sacrifices of the free and best people.

I call on my supporters to continue the resistance, and fight any foreign aggressor against Libya, today, tomorrow and always.

Let the free people of the world know that we could have bargained over and sold out our cause in return for a personal secure and stable life. We received many offers to this effect but we chose to be at the vanguard of the confrontation as a badge of duty and honor.

Even if we do not win immediately, we will give a lesson to future generations that choosing to protect the nation is an honor and selling it out is the greatest betrayal that history will remember forever despite the attempts of the others to tell you otherwise."


"The Libyans," said his second-in-command, Major Abdessalam Jalloud, "are as nothing
without Gaddafi … he is neither his own, the Libyans', nor even the Arabs' property, but the
 property of free men everywhere, from the Philippines to Ireland [the IRA in the 1970s and
80s], Africa to Latin America and Europe."

"Libya is an African country. May Allah help the Arabs and keep them away from us.
 We don't want anything to do with them. They did not fight with us against the Italians,
and they did not fight with us against the Americans. They did not lift the sanctions and
siege from us. On the contrary, they gloated at us, and benefited from our hardship…"
— Muammar Gadaffi in an interview with Al Jazeera, March 27, 2007

"There is a conspiracy to control Libyan oil and to control Libyan land, to colonise Libya
 once again.
 This is impossible, impossible. We will fight until the last man and last woman to defend
Libya from east to west, north to south."
— Muammar Gaddafi, audio message broadcast on Al-Ouroba TV, a Syria-based satellite
station, on August 25, as oppostion forces began as assault on Tripoli.

Muammar Gaddafi's speech at the UN, 2009 (

The Green Book (

Nigeria and South Africa at the UN Security Council re Resolutions 1970 and 1973.
Betrayal by the Africans, by the blacks.
Betrayal by the Chinese and the Russians.
Betrayal by the Arab League, the betrayal of the Arabs.

France and the Meditteranean Union
Western Oil Companies
Russia and Gazprom
China 6.6 billion in bilateral trade and 30, 000 Chinese in Libya

The murder and torture of dark-skinned Libyans and Africans by Nato's rats.

Libya stands as a warning to the world. Any regime that gets in the way of US interests, runs
afoul of the major corporations or fails to do the bidding of the NATO powers can be
overthrown by military force, with its leaders murdered.

Dark days are ahead. More and more African societies are deeply divided internally. Africans
 need to reflect on the fall of Gaddafi and, before him, that of Gbagbo in Cote d'Ivoire.
Will these events usher in an era of external interventions, each welcomed internally as a
mechanism to ensure a change of political leadership in one country after another?

Humanitarian intervention by the West is nothing but imperialism, disguised as altruism.

Gaddafi's death has not been well received in every corner of the world. The former Libyan
leader remains a hero in the eyes of Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF
“This is a sad day for the people of Africa. This is the beginning of a new recolonization of
Africa,” said retired Major Cairo Mhandu a Zanu-PF member of parliament.
“Through the forces of NATO and the West, we have lost one of our brothers,” he told
GlobalPost. “Muammar Gaddafi won elections and was a true leader. It is foreigners who
toppled him, not Libyans. Gaddafi died fighting. He is a true African hero.”

“Muammar al Gaddafi is not occupying a position to resign from the same way other
presidents did. Gaddafi is not a president. He is a leader of a revolution. History! Resistance!
Liberation! Glory! Revolution!"
—Muammar Gadaffi on Feb 21, 2011 during a 22 second speech, his first TV appearance since
 the protest movement erupted in Green Square.

Libya, under the regime of Muammar Gadaffi provided strong support for the ANC during
apartheid. Gaddafi built and funded ANC training bases in Libya in the 70's and 80's.

Gaddafi himself asked on October 6: 'The NTC, who gave them legitimacy? How did they
obtain legitimacy? Did the Libyan people elect them? Did the Libyan people appoint them?
And if only the power of NATO bombs and fleets grants legitimacy, then let all rulers in the
Third World beware, for the same fate awaits you. To those who recognize this council as
legitimate, beware. There will be transitional councils created everywhere and imposed upon
you and one by one you shall fall'.

This is a war aimed at turning the clock back to the days of colonialism. It has been achieved
 by means of a NATO bombing campaign that has reduced much of the country’s
infrastructure to rubble and left thousands of Libyan men, women and children dead and
wounded. Its final chapter, the barbaric siege of the coastal city of Sirte and the murder of
Gaddafi, his son and other former members of his regime, only underscores the criminality of
the entire venture. These crimes provide the ultimate exposure of the pretense that the war in
 Libya was waged for “humanitarian” aims, to protect Libyan civilians from the Gaddafi regime.
In Sirte, NATO provided air cover for a “rebel” army carrying out precisely the kind of bloody
assault on a civilian population center that the US-NATO intervention was purportedly designed
to prevent.